Friday 30 September 2011

Bankruptcy Regulation

Mark Findlay covers-up and conceals Misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Thursday 15 September 2011

commonwealth Ombusman scam

Why does the Commonwealth Ombudsman fail to investigate 85% of complaints about departments in the Attorney Generals porfolio???

Bankruptcty misconduct scam by Mark Findlay

Why is the Commonwealth Ombudsman covering up the scam at ITSA by Mork Findlay ( Bankruptcy Regulations)?


Why is the Commonwealth Ombudsman covering up the scam at ITSA by senior Management???

Wednesday 14 September 2011

coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Why did the Ombusman coverup miconduct by Adam Toma????

misconduct at ITSA

Why does the Manager  of BFI Nsw breach the directions of the Inspector General  and why did did  Mark Findlay  ( Bankruptcy Regulations ) covered up for her???

misconduct at ITSA

How many creditors have been misled at ITSA on the advice of M<athew Osborne????

misconduct at ITSA

 Why does Chery Cullen( assistant to Adam Toma ) beleive it is acceptable to be mislead a creditor.... Because the Principal legal Officer  Matthew Osborne gave her that advice....

misconduct at ITSA

How many Bankrupts has Julie Padget ( NSW Manager Bankruptcy Fraud Unit) assisted to to escape prosecution ????

misconduct at ITSA

How many bankrupts has Giulia Inga  Official Receiver NSW ) assisted to commit fraud against the Bankruptcy Act

Tuesday 13 September 2011

bankruptcy coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Why did Margret Chinnery and Kent Pervis  Commonwealth Ombudsman cover up misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act at ITSA?????

Bankruptcty misconduct scam by Mark Findlay

Why did Mark Findlay Manager Bankruptcy Regulations cover up misconduct of Florence Choo Deputy Official Receiver ITSA?????

Bankruptcty misconduct scam by Mark Findlay

why did Adam Toma cover up the misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act by Julie Padgett NSW Manager Banruptcy Enforcement????

Bankruptcty misconduct scam by Mark Findlay

Why did Mork Findlay Bankruptcy Regulations coverup misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act by senior Management at ITSA????


why does the Commonwelth Ombudsman fail to investigate 90% complaints about Bankruptcy?

Sunday 11 September 2011

coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Who told Margaret Chinnery and Kent Pervis  ( Commonwealth Ombudsman )to cover up evidence of systemic misconduct at ITSA????
Why is Alison Larkins (  Deputy Commonwealth Obudsman) still covering up misconduct at ITSA???

coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Julia Gillard appoints the Attorney General Robert McClelland who appointed the Commonwealth Ombudsman Allan Asher who fails to investigate 85 % complaints about agencies  and departments in the Attorney Generals portfolio.......

coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Why is the Commonwealth Ombudsman covering up systemic misconduct at ITSA????

coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

How much misconduct in Government departments does the Commonwealth Ombudsman cover up???

coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Why is  the Commonwealth Ombudsman to be referred to the APS Commision???

coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Why does the Commonwealth Ombudsman  fail to investigate 85% of complaints made against Agencies or departments in the Attorney Generals portfolio???

coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Why does the Commonwealth Ombudsman fail to investigate 90% of complaints about Bankruptcy ??

coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Why is the Commonwealth Ombudsman covering up systemic misconduct at ITSA???

Saturday 3 September 2011

Bankruptcty misconduct scam by Mark Findlay

Why does  Mark Findlay (Bankruptcy Regulations) cover up misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act at ITSA......... and............... why does the Federal Attorney General Robert McClelland cover up for Mark Findlay ................. and why does the Commonwealth Ombudsman cover up for them all???????????? Wow........ how ya feeling Mark now ya been exposed?????????? maybe not too well???????????????????

bankruptcy coverup by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Why is Allan Asher covering up misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act at ITSA? Why does the ombudsman  fail to investigate over 90% complaints about ITSA? Why do the Commonwealth Ombudsman fail to investigate85% of complaints made against departments in the Federal Attorney Generals Portfolio???? What"s going on between Allan Asher and Robert McClelland?????